The Book of Chinese Wisdom

A Treasury of China's Wisdom
The Book of Chinese Wisdom(1)
The Book of Chinese Wisdom(2)
The Book of Chinese Wisdom(3)
The Book of Chinese Wisdom(4)
A Treasury of China’s Wisdom-A Storybook for Everyone





This book represents the result of years of studying hundreds of Chinese classics in history, literature and philosophy, ranging from the Book of Changes to Tao Te Ching, from the Intrigues of the Warring States to the History of the Ming Dynasty, traversing the vast panoply of China's history.

Most books on China published in the West in recent years deal with modern China. Few focus on China’s classical wisdom. This book is meant to fill that gap. It brings together a host of thought-provoking stories that are among the most famous in Chinese classics. Readers do not need prior knowledge of Chinese history to appreciate these stories, whose morals transcend time and space. As the author takes the reader on a tour through the treasure land of Chinese wisdom, he will call their attention to the gems in the treasure trove, and help them discover the practical value of Chinese wisdom while learning something about Chinese culture.

The Book of Chinese Wisdom (1)

第一册搜集了近七十个有关管理艺术的故事。中国悠久的文职传统使管理在古代就已经成为一门练达的艺术。 管理艺术是与人打交道的艺术。今天,尽管科学技术取得了长足的进步,但是人的本性几乎没有变化。读者将发现 本书故事里的智慧既新鲜又实用。本书还从管理角度探讨了《易经》的智慧。


  Book I gleans nearly seventy tales of the art of management. With China’s long tradition of civil administration, management was a refined art in ancient China. Management, in essence, is about people. Despite advances in science and technology, human nature has hardly changed since ancient times. The wisdom embedded in these tales will strike the reader as both fresh and practical. Book I also explores the wisdom of The Book of Changes from business and managerial perspectives. 

The Book of Chinese Wisdom (2)

第二册搜集了近七十个饱蘸机智和幽默的故事。读者将发现,智慧的表达方式多种多样。它可以指心灵的觉悟, 可以指一种健全的人生哲学, 也可以指一种智谋, 或者一种应对棘手局面的方法。本书许多寓言的哲理是中国智慧的一个重要组成部分。本书还收了一些著名的禅宗的故事。 


 Book II gleans about seventy tales of wit and humor. Through them the reader will find that wisdom manifests itself in many ways. It can mean the enlightenment of the mind, a sound philosophy of living, a stratagem, or the effective management of a difficult situation. This volume contains many fables whose moral has become an integral part of Chinese wisdom. A dozen well-known stories of Zen are also included.

The Book of Chinese Wisdom (3)



 Confucianism is not only China’s cultural heritage but a vital part of Chinese wisdom. We shall find out what kind of a man Confucius was like. We shall also learn the wisdom of Lao Tzu, an older contemporary of Confucius. A traditional Chinese family often had a set of precepts that served as rules of conduct for everybody to follow. They occupy a special place in Chinese culture. Two examples of familial precepts are included.

The Book of Chinese Wisdom (4)

观察人的智慧和愚蠢的最佳时期似乎是当一个旧王朝为一个新王朝所取代的那段时期。伟人往往产生在这段时期里。命运让他们有机会尽其智慧, 施展才华。本书考察了中国历史上三个最有意义的时期。第一个是秦朝的崛起和崩溃的过程;第二个是汉朝兴起的过程;第三个是明末清初的动荡年代。 本书最后考察古代中国一个有趣的课题―皇帝的性生活。


  The interregnum between the fall of an old dynasty and the rise of a new one seems the best focal point to observe the folly and wisdom of man. These periods gave birth to great men, whose talent and wisdom were brought into full swing by fate. Book IV examines three significant periods: the rise of the Qin dynasty, which built the Great Wall, and its rapid collapse; the rise of the Han dynasty, whose founder rivaled with a war hero in an epic struggle for supremacy; and the turbulent years of the last Ming emperor and the rise of the Qing dynasty. We also look at a uniquely interesting aspect of ancient China—the sex life of emperors.

Praise for The Book of Chinese Wisdom

  • Treat this as a story book, and you will be entertained; treat this as a history book, and you will learn the richness of Asia's past; treat this as a book of wisdom, and you will be inspired.
    Nicholas D. Kristof
    Pulitzer Prize-winning author and columnist for The New York Times
  • The Book of Chinese Wisdom opens a fascinating world of ideas and experience, from statecraft to family values, from warfare to human relationships, which I believe will delight and inspire many readers.
    Ross Terrill
    China specialist at Harvard’s East Asian Studies and well-known writer
  • This is a wonder book for readers of any race or culture because the wisdom of China belongs to all mankind. I find it a truly enriching and rewarding experience to discover and rediscover the gems in the treasure trove of China's wisdom through this exceptional encyclopedic volume.
    Wang Meng
    Former Minister of Culture of China and well-known writer
  • Three thousand years' accumulation of China's wisdom in one masterly volume that offers knowledge, pleasure as well as practical wisdom directly or indirectly related to our work, business, career or life.
    Zhu Yinghuang
    Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, China Daily